Christian Leadership Team and Spiritual Growth

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"God is my witness," said Mary, mother of Jesus. As she intently intoned those words, I saw her eyes filled with tears. I could see she was only fifteen years old, but I knew she was not alone in her search for a spiritual relationship with her heavenly Father. "I have a testimony," she cried out. Then, slowly and with much emotion in her voice, she continued, "I have a promise, and I know it's right because I'm a Christian, and He made me so."

The Green Christian Way of Life provides spiritual sustenance to Christian adolescents and leaders who are committed to living the way Christ taught His followers in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Green Christian Way of Life consists of living in harmony with all people, including those who are considered to be against God. The philosophy of the Way of Life calls for a commitment to nonviolence. Nonviolent followers of the Christian Way of Life are known as peacemakers. Those who practice nonviolence live and behave in ways that seek to peacefully encourage harmony between others and engage in acts of love and compassion toward those who are in need. The philosophy of the Way of Life calls for respect for the dignity and rights of others, and teaches that true peace comes from love and respect. 

Spiritual warfare in the world has been fought by Christians all along the history of time. Christian believers have been successful in converting non-believers through teaching about the teachings of the gospel, living according to the teachings of the bible and being a steward of God. Christians at nondenominational churches in Naperville il believe that true religious freedom means that one can choose to follow religious beliefs that are contradictory to the ways of the Lord. They also believe that true religious freedom means that they may not be forced to perform or submit to spiritual teachings that they do not think and feel are right for them. Believing that someone else's thoughts and beliefs are right is often called " fideism", which is different than the common form of religion known as " fideist".

The essence of the Christian way of life is found in the teachings of the bible that describes the character of Jesus Christ. Christ was a perfect example of what it means to follow God and to love our neighbor as ourselves. He was a servant of God, yet he loved his enemies. Believing that the will of God would be fulfilled in the lives of all who believe is essential to the success of a Christian.

Today many Naperville Churches use methods that are based on this Christian way of thinking. While these methods are effective in the short term, eventually they will not be enough to keep people motivated. People need to have a sense of sanctity and goodness that comes from following Christ. This comes from the knowledge that Jesus Christ has accomplished things which were greater than our comprehension.

A good example of this is found in Acts 15 where a spiritual battle breaks out between believers and heretics in the church. Although some members of the church leaders sided with the heretics, most of them remained true to the Christian faith and fought back using spiritual means. The ultimate outcome of this battle was the freeing of Christians from the shackles of the synagogue religion. Many Christians would agree that without spiritual growth no person can truly grow spiritually. That is why Christian leadership team training should be utilized to help people fulfill their full potential.

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